Tuesday, 11 May 2010

DIY SOS - A Total House makeover

I was overtaken by the urge to 'craft' something with a day off today.
I've been moving DD2's dolls house from pillar to post every time I've cleaned her room for the past....erm....2 years. Thing is, this was the most unloved dolls house I've ever seen. Me? I had a stonker of a dolls house when I was little, loved it to bits...played with it till it fell apart....and I was sad to see this little dolls house going un played with and gathering dust...so...I decided to give it a facelift.
Now for those of you looking for a bohemian makeover with stamped images and such...sorry this isn't the place....well not this time anyway...but keep watching
Anyway, DD is a girlie girl who loves anything pink...so pink it had to be.


Mrsjobee said...

Can't wait to see the transformation - Nick Knowles eat your heart out!!!!

Ruthy said...

SO cute MJ, a day well spent I say! What did Boo think??

mandijane said...

Not finished it yet Ruthy...got a few more things to do on the house and then I need to make the furniture match....she also wants a new family to move in...LOL...good job she has a birthday coming up....

Lil said...

That's awesome!

julietk said...

That is such a great makeover mandi :-) thanks for your sweet comment on my blog I have learnt a lot since I started and things are looking how I want them to :-D I hope you come back soon to visit for my summer giveaway.

Greetings from the crafty cabin Easter 2017

So friends its been a while. The kids have grown up, the dogs have grown a bit older....and I've migrated from a craft room to a c...